1464 results found

Measuring the impact of community businesses at neighbourhood level

Repository entry 1 October 2020

Power to Change commissioned Kantar in 2019 to conduct a ‘hyperlocal’ version of the national Community Life Survey (CLS) in six operational areas centred around community businesses supported by Power to Change. Each area has a mean average population 1,500 people. The ‘hyperlocal’ design builds on studies conducted in 2017 and 2018 wh…

National CLT Network – State of the Sector 2020

Repository entry 1 October 2020

A summary of current state of the community land trust sector in England and Wales. The data used to compile this report is taken from the Community Led Homes database, the most comprehensive dataset on the sector, and is sourced from community-led housing groups, enabler hubs and funders.

Peer Research in the UK

Repository entry 1 October 2020

This report takes an in-depth look at the use of peer research in the UK today, providing a comprehensive introduction to the methodology and advocating for its value as a legitimate and insightful research approach. The report covers:

The definition of peer research as a methodology and a discussion of its many advantages.

Rapid research COVID-19 Briefing #6: Stepping up and helping out: grassroots volunteering in response to COVID-19

Repository entry 1 October 2020

In Briefing 5, Volunteering through crisis and beyond: starting, stopping and shifting, we provided an overview of literature on volunteering. It ended with a question: would all those who have stepped up in their communities call themselves volunteers?

Our current research into community responses to COVID-19 across 26 areas of England offers…

Researching community responses to COVID-19: a methodological note

Repository entry 1 October 2020

Local Trust commissioned a team of researchers, led by the Third Sector Research Centre, to undertake a study exploring how communities react to, cope with and recover from COVID-19. The aim of the study is to learn, in real time, how different communities have and are responding to the impact of COVID-19, how they make this happen and how they…

Think Big, Act Small: Elinor Ostrom’s Radical Vision for Community Power

Repository entry 1 October 2020

Elinor Ostrom is the intellectual hero of the community power movement. She humanised the study of economics and politics and discovered what is possible, and the problems that can be solved, when we trust each other. In this new piece of work, New Local’s Dr Simon Kaye explores her ideas, and presents their lessons for the UK today.

Trading Up: Match Trading® for Community Businesses as a powerful incentive for regeneration post-COVID

Repository entry 1 October 2020

This report demonstrates the impact of the Community Business Trade Up programme, a five year, £6.5million support programme aimed at strengthening community businesses. The aim of the programme is to help participants increase their trading income, build an entrepreneurial mindset, reduce grant dependency and be financially sustainable. Run b…

Understanding a maturing community shares market

Repository entry 1 October 2020

This paper is the first of two reports by Co-operatives UK reviewing the community shares market. The community shares investment model has become a popular approach to raising finance and since 2012, £155 million has been raised by over 103,000 people to save and create more than 440 vital spaces and services. This report comprises of communi…

Covid-19 and community life: divided we stand?

Publication 30 September 2020

As part of our Covid-19 Community Life study, generously supported by a Wellcome Trust Public Engagement grant, this report is the first snapshot of insights. As the pandemic arrived on UK shores, the country was already sharply divided. We had

Torquay: the Covid challenge to a coastal community

Blog 29 September 2020

A recent report from the Institute for Fiscal Studies names Torbay – alongside the Isle of Wight – as the most vulnerable in England because of deprivation, an elderly population, and the high number of tourism and hospitality businesses. My

The shoebox and the season ticket

Blog 28 September 2020

Over the last three to four years we have collectively been increasingly focused on place; both as a way of framing the inherent complexity and interconnectedness of today’s social challenges but also because of the huge inequalities which exist across and within different regions across the UK.

Leaders are waking up to value of listening and humbleness

Blog 25 September 2020

At the third and final Inclusive Economy Partnership BOOST engagement event last week we heard something quite magical from the range of leaders who spoke.


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