1464 results found

Atlas of Social Innovation – New Practices for a Better Future

Publication 25 January 2018

Social innovation is on the rise. As a lived practice, social innovation takes countless approaches and presents a wide array of success stories. It is within this context that the Atlas of Social Innovation offers a comprehensive overview of the

Unravelling the Spiral of Debt

Publication 15 January 2018

Access to credit can be a major challenge for many households and lead them to turn to unaffordable alternatives that trap them in a spiral of deepening debt. Read about the findings from our year-long mixed-methods study carried out in

Levelling the Playing Field in Education

Publication 10 January 2018

Read more about how our Young Academy programme is harnessing the potential of innovative, early-stage education ventures tackling education inequalities at scale.

The Legacy of Big Local

Repository entry 1 January 2018

The purpose of the research was to explore what the five Big Local areas close to spending their £1 million were thinking and doing about the legacy of Big Local. By legacy we mean “What remains when the Big Local £1 million is spent”. By understanding what these areas were doing, Local Trust would then be able to think about the support,…

How is EU employment policy driving social innovation?

Publication 22 December 2017

This report explores the characteristics of EU-supported employment social innovations, and asks how the EU is driving these.

Stories of Inequality and Action

Publication 20 December 2017

This report covers some highlights of our work from 2014-2017, when we made a strategic decision to focus on inequalities and direct all our work to challenging it.

The Young Academy Impact Report

Publication 13 December 2017

The Young Foundation is delighted to launch the first impact report for the Young Academy, our innovation and investment programme for social ventures working to reduce educational inequality. The report tells the story of the Young Academy since its launch

“Let’s talk about parks” – conversation club resource

Publication 5 December 2017

Parks have a special place in the modern urban landscape as they are publicly owned, free to use and exist simply for our enjoyment, regardless of our background or social background. Spending time outdoors provides respite from the stresses of

#refugeeswelcome in parks: a resource book

Publication 4 December 2017

Do you work directly with refugees and asylum seekers? This resource book will share information on how the use of public space can help to facilitate wellbeing and inclusion, and offers ideas for supporting positive experiences. Are you involved in

Identifying Community Businesses in National Datasets

Repository entry 1 December 2017

Community businesses are small businesses, although they have many distinctive features that differentiate them from small private businesses. A core research question for Power to Change is around the definition and understanding of community business – how big is the community business market in England, how does it break down across indust…

Power to Change Annual Grantee Survey 2017

Repository entry 1 December 2017

This is the second in a regular series of annual reports on the experiences of Power to Change grantees. It is based on a survey of all 331 organisations that received grant offers between January 2015 and August 2017. The survey was carried out between 21st September and 31st October 2017. The response rate was 33%. Overall, the survey conclud…

Supporting analysis of the community business market in 2017

Repository entry 1 December 2017

This technical appendix supports Power to Change’s 2017 report on the community business market. It provides more detail on the technical details of estimating market size for individual sub-sectors, and for the market overall. There are three appendices in this document. – Appendix A covers the survey and qualitative methods adopted on the…


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