Take part in research

Whether it’s finding out how people really feel about specific challenges, such as Brexit or Covid-19, or exploring broader issues facing communities, such as regeneration, health, education or cohesion, our peer research services unlock voices that traditional research just doesn’t get to hear. This can help your organisation develop better solutions and services for the communities you serve.

The Network offers a range of opportunities to engage with peer research projects, either as a peer researcher or as a participant. Explore our current projects to see how you could get involved.


We support organisations to develop their staff’s peer research skills, and we co-ordinate local teams of peer researchers. Our comprehensive interactive training curriculum for adults and young people can be delivered both virtually and in-person.

Bespoke peer researcher training

Training tailored for your organisation or project. This could include training your staff and a team of peer researchers to deliver a new project, undertake fieldwork, conduct analysis or share out findings. We also offer training participatory research and creative methods.

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Introduction to Participatory Research

Training for organisations wishing to develop knowledge and skills in participatory and creative research approaches.

Book your place

Introduction to peer research course

Courses for organisations wishing to develop their peer research project management skills in-house.

Register to attend


The Peer Research Network delivers an NCFE-accredited Peer Research Level 2 qualification.

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To discuss how we can help you, please drop us a line

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Community research

We are a not-for-profit tackling societal issues with a collaborative, multi-disciplinary approach.

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Social innovation

Involving people from diverse sectors to shape game-changing initiatives.

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